
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

MY STYLE: Sophisti-Chique

Hi beauties:
When I woke it up this morning, it felt like the air condition was on full blast because my bedroom was chilly until I sat up and realised, 'oh, the a/c is not on'. I left my bedroom windows open last night and it was nice and chilly when I woke up. I really didn't want to get out of bed. The usual bright island sun was not beaming through my window and the clouds outside were grey. I figured that the day would remain as cool as the morning was so I thought I'd dress to accommodate the weather and my office which is usually the same temperature as a morgue....or at least is feels that way.
I bought this skirt during my UK trip this past summer and I've had this turtle neck sweater forever. I paired the outfit with my go-to, super comfy black patent pumps and I was ready to run out the door. When I saw myself in the mirror, I felt sophisticated ;)
Turtle neck sweater- Here | Here
Skirt- Here | Here | Here | Even here (on sale in a different colour) and here (love the price)
Pumps- Try here
Handbag- Local boutique

The back view of my hair

Finally found a black handbag that I really like. Do you?

1 comment:

  1. Love the skirt! You're so tiny also, I have lots of vintage leather items for sale in my Blog, just click on the Sale tab.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email to shadesnstyles(at)gmail(dot)com