Monday, November 30, 2009

Beauty Tip: November 29- December 6, 2009

How to Remove Make-Up Without Your Make-Up Removal and Toiletry Supplies Step 1To remove mascara, a few drops of baby oil on a cotton ball will effectively remove mascara from the eye lashes. Gently apply the cotton ball to the eyelashes and swipe downward on your eyelashes, when your eye is closed. Repeat process for your second eye.Step 2Olive oil will remove make-up from your skin. Dab a few drops of olive oil onto a cotton ball and rub it on your face, using circular motions. Repeat with a second cotton ball if needed.Step 3Rinse the olive oil from your skin with a warm, wet washcloth.Step 4If you have a toothbrush but no toothpaste, create your own toothpaste with one teaspoon of baking soda and a few drops of water to create a paste with a viscous, toothpaste consisten...

A neutral Christmas

For those of you who don't like strong eye color, today's LOTD is dedicated to you. I personally love color whether it's warm color or bright, bold, shocking color. I know that this year's Christmas makeup trend is about lots of shimmer and dark, bold colors but who says that you still can't be fabulous in neutrals?This is probably my first "very neutral" look and I like the way it turned out. I gave the look a bit of "spunk" by framing my "bright brown eyes" with a true blue/ royal blue winged liner. Unfortunately I'm not able to list the eye shadows I used because the colors are from my MAC Pro Palette and silly me didn't save the labels for the colors...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas is coming (Burgundy & Black)

Christmas is definitely in the air. I feel it in the weather, I feel it all around and it's a great feeling. All the vendors are dropping prices, advertising new products, decorating their shops with bright lights and goodies for all. I always like the feeling that I get leading up to Christmas but as soon as Christmas comes, my mood changes. I just never understand why. Anyway, this is my LOTD. Yes it's ANOTHER Christmas look using too simple colors (burgundy and black). I will actually recreate this look but using a stronger application.I really enjoyed this look. I thought it was a beautiful combination. Eyes:Two Faced Shadow Insurance (primer)MAC Greasepaint Stick (lid)MAC Cranberry e/s (lid to crease)MAC Dark Soul pigment (outer lid)MAC...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Colorful Daisy: Weekly Challenge (Makeup Geek)

This week's challenge on Makeup Geek is to create a makeup look using the vibrant colors of the photo below. The colors in this photo is an absolutely GORGEOUS combination and I just had to attempt this challenge.Whether I win this week's challenge or not, I totally enjoyed creating this look. The winner of this week's challenge will win a pair of vintage earrings by Kelly Eo ( AND the NYX Strike A Pose eyeshadow palette.I submitted two different looks because I couldn't decide on which to submit, after all, you were allowed to submit more than one. Eyes:UDPPNYX Jumbo Pencil- MilkMUFE #92 e/s (purple)MUFE #2 e/s (yellow)MUFE #149 e/s (green)Ben Nye pigment (fushia)Maybeline Volum' Express mascaraUrban Decay...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A TRUE Thanksgiving- Spiced Pumpkin Pie

Thanksgiving is not really "celebrated" as a big holiday in the Cayman Islands as we are a very "religious/ spiritual" community and observe "National Days of Prayer" etc and we view thanksgiving as a recurring "event" and not a single day event.Eitherway, I think the concept of Thanksgiving is great because in this life, we have ALOT to be thankful for. Whenever we feel as if we're experiencing the worst of a situation, unfortunately there are many others near and far who are experiencing something alot worse. Thanksgiving is a time to focus on all the beautiful blessings that we receive on a daily basis. We should give thanks for the simplest of things to the most complex and extravagant things. Our God is an amazing God and he never made...

Friday, November 20, 2009

It's a under your spell...

Today's look is from MAC's Magic, Mirth and Mischief Collection for holiday I used "It's a Miracle" and "Under Your Spell" and created this look.As beautiful as the color purple is, I really don't think it does anything for me and it really doesn't show it's true beauty on me but oh well, here's the look and I hope you like it.Eyes:Two Faced Shadow Insurance (primer)NYX Jumbo Pencil - PurpleMAC Under Your Spell e/sMAC It's A Miracle e/sMAC Espresso e/s (brows)Gold Gel LinerGosh Purple eyelinerMaybeline Volum' Express mascaraLips:NYX Mega Shine Lipgloss- Biege PearlFace:MAC NC50 Studio Tech FoundationMAC Deeper Bro...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Makeup Tip: November 16-22, 2009

Remove Your Makeup: If you wear makeup on a daily basis, it is EXTREMELY important that you remove it daily. Make sure you remove your entire makeup at the end of the day. The longer you can go without makeup at night, the longer your pores will be able to brea...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Deep Truth & the Sorcerer

I'm absolutely in love with this combination. Blue, blue, blue! It's GORGEOUS. I'm quite pleased at how it turned out.I'm actually trying to cheer up myself by creating beautiful, eye-catching looks instead of creating looks that reflect how I feel.Sometimes in life when we're dealing with certain situations, we pity ourselves by focusing on what's bugging us. We eat comfort foods, we binge eat, we mindlessly shop and rack up a mean shopping bill (as I would do), we isolate ourselves and the list goes on and on. I am very guilty of isolating myself when I'm dealing with certain issues but I'm working on that.Anyway, enough of the hum drum......I KNOW that I will overcome because I AM a strong woman like my mother was and I WILL overcome. We...

We're in a hurry, but God is not!!

The passage that I am about to share with you is so very true. The world has become such a fast pace place that we often forget to cherish things, take our time, grow slowly, laugh loudly, enjoy the purity of God's work. We're always so caught up in trying to live our dreams and make them happen overnight that we forget to live....we forget to consult God who has given us that dream.I found the below passage to be soooooooo very true and I just had to share it with you. Be blessed today and take time to live. Why are we always such in a rush? God isn't.... Joyce Meyer – New Day New YouWE’RE IN A HURRY, BUT GOD’S NOTWe never learn patience without something to be patient about. Patience is something that has to be worked in us-it doesn’t just appear. The fruit of patience is in our spirits,...

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Purple & Black- After Midnight Look

Today's look is a pretty easy combination of purple & black shadows from MakeUp Forever ( This look can definitely be worn over the Christmas holidays paired with neutral-to-nude lips. The photos do not show the true beauty of this look because I had to use a flash (false lighting) and it took away from the true colors. The black and purple are both sparkley and they're GORGEOUS. Be sure to check my video for this look on YouTube at GreasePaint Stick- BlackMUFE#92 e/sMUFE# 307 e/sMaybeline Volum' Express mascaraMAC Espresso e/s- browsLips:MAC Get Rich Quick dazzleglassFace:MAC NC50 Studio Tech FoundationMAC Refined Golden PowderMAC Breezy b...

Friday, November 13, 2009


Today's look is a reflection of how I feel....blah! Hopefully when I rise with the sun tomorrow, I'll feel a bit better. Actually, I should feel better because am going for a pedicure. Yay!!!!This is a simple combination of Lime Green & Purple from Lime Crime Cosmetics.Enjoy!Products:NYX Jumbo Pencil- MilkMAC EspresoLime Crime Lime Criminal (Green)Lime Crime Empress (Purple)Maybeline Volum' Express Masc...

Sneak preview- Christmas Makeup Giveaway Prizes!!!!

This is just a quick post to give you a sneak preview of the goodies that the lucky winner of my Christmas giveaway will be receiving. Pretty much all of the products will be from NYX because it's one of my FAVORITE, inexpensive brands. The colors are so rich, long lasting, super pigmented and easy to work with. I really can't wait to see all the various Christmas looks that I'll be receiving. To enter the giveaway, please see my post on the rules and requirements. I said, this is just a few of the items....a sneak preview:NYX Glitter Liner- Jade NYX Loose Ultra Pearl Mania Eyeshadow- Silver NYX Trio Eyeshadow- Purple/Deep Purple/ Prune NYX Mega Shine Gloss- Sweetheart...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Yummy Chocolate Plum

Just about every cosmetic line is coming out with limited edition makeup for the Christmas holidays and I saw this little eye & cheek palette at the Body Shop and couldn't resist picking it up, plus it was pretty inexpensive (US$26). There were two palettes but am more of a neutral/ natural person so I gravitated towards the Plum/Chocolate/Caramel Palette. There are 4 eye shadows and one blush and the colors are soft and beautiful. This mini palette works well for travel and for divas who like to keep it fairly neutral during the day....or evening. These colors are perfect for a quiet, initimate dinner evening or even just a prowl around town looking at all the Christmas goodies that stores are stocking. Anyway, here's the look that I created...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Glitz & Glam

This is my third Christmas look so far and there are many more to come. This is a super, easy smokey eye using MAC's Cinderfella (BEAUTIFUL mineral shadow). I am soooooooo tired (yawn, yawn)'s pretty hard having a full time job then having to come home, do all the domestic stuff and still take a minute or two to keep in touch with you beauties. You guys really keep me going!Thanks a mil!Eyes:UDPPMAC Shadestick (Gentil Lentil)MAC Greasepaint Stick (Black)MAC Cinderfella e/sMAC Electra e/sMaybeline Volum' Express MascaraUrban Decay Perversion Liquid LinerArdell Gisele LashesLips:MAC Get Rich Quick Dazzle GlassFace:MAC NC50 Studio Tech FoundationMAC Refined Golden Bronze PowderCheeks:Body Shop Bl...

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