Thursday, December 24, 2009

Blue Christmas....

I'm dreaming of a bluuuuueeee Christmas. I'm from the Caribbean so we don't have white Christmases but we definitely have blue ones. The skies are usually blue and hopefully tomorrow won't be as rainy as it's been earlier this week.I'll personally be having a blue Christmas :( because this is one of the most difficult holidays for me. Waking up and not having mom around is VERY hard but thankfully I still have dad who happens to be my hero. I wonder if he knows. I guess this would be the moment to tell him. This Christmas is also going to be unusual for me because this will be the first year in a very long time that my family isn't gathering at my grandmother's house for Christmas lunch :(. Honestly there's NOTHING better than grammie's cooking....

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Greetings.....

From my heart to yours........Merry Christmas Click on image to enlarge.....

Friday, December 18, 2009

NARS Swatch & lots of wind.....

Hiya,This is just a quick post so that you guys don't think I've fallen off the face of the Earth because I'm still here. I've just been super busy. As per my previous post, I was in the "Windy City" (Chicago) visiting my sister and my very short trip was GREAT! I visited her in July of this year but I really needed a trip so I flew up to see her again. She's going to be away from the family here in the Cayman Islands :( Here are a few photos of she and I :) I never got a chance to make my snow angels but I did hold my face up to the sky and let the snow fall on it :) Yup, I'm a BIG kid at heart.While I was browsing the streets in Chicago, I decided to pop into Sephora to check out eyeshadows (as if I need anymore). At any rate, I picked up...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Brief Update and Happenings....

Hi bloggers, Am soooo sorry that I've been neglecting you but I've been supppppppppper busy with, work, preparing to travel, Cayman Islands 2009 Jazz Fest. Travel- I will be flying to Chicago to visit one of my sisters from Dec 8-14. It's a pretty short trip but I know it'll be worth the time. I also know that I'll freeze my butt off because I'm from an island where am used to 70 degrees and up, NOT 20 degrees and below :(.......I'll keep you posted though. Makeup- I haven't been doing any tutorials as of late because I've been doing LOADS of makeup for my cousin, KK Alese who's a singer and will be releasing her first album on December 11, 2009. Woo hoo!!!! Am soooooooooo excited for her because we actually used to sing together but we moved on to other things. She continued...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Fresh Green Christmas Mix

I find that I am drawn to neutral/ warm colors (browns, tans, rusts, coppers) and greens!!! I absolutely LOVE green and I'm never usually very picky about the shade. I just love green! Green is peaceful, it's calming....Today's look is another look that can be worn for Christmas. Even though this year's Christmas is focusing on strong dark colors, I think this look is beautiful for Christmas. Mix it up a little. Have fun with the "trend". Am sorry that I didn't show my entire face. I'm actually not feeling well. I have a TERRIBLE headache. It's more like a migraine.Products:Two Faced Shadow Insurance (1st primer)NYX Jumbo Pencil- Milk (2nd primer)MAC Fresh Green Mix mineral e/s (inner lid)Lime Crime Lime Criminal pigment (mid lid)Lime Crime...

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