Thursday, January 28, 2010

Star Violet

I'm so sorry that I haven't been faithfully uploading posts to this blog but there's SO mcuh going on right now that I'm kinda lost as to exactly what I'm supposed to be doing so here's a quick post for you.I'll post the video for this look on YouTube soon..... Eyes:Two Faced Shadow InsuranceMAC Grease Paint Shadestick (lid)MAC Star Violet (lid)MAC Young Punk (crease & outer v)MAC Espresso (brows)Maybeline Volum' Express (mascara)Urban Decay Perversion Liquid LinerUrban Decay Sin e/s (highlight)Face:MAC NC50 Studio Tech FoundationMAC Refined Bronze PowderMAC Raizin' (blush)Lips:MAC Viva Glam Lipgl...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Soar with the Eagles

Are you a chicken or an eagle?Have you ever seen an eagle soaring through the sky, high above the tree tops, so fearlessly, like all is well and life is great? Well sometimes that's exactly what we need to do. Even when we are flat on our faces and feel like we just want to crawl into a hole and stay there, we should uplift ourselves with positivity and soar like an eagle. Encouraging ourselves when we are down is one of the HARDEST things to do because we're sad, hurt, depressed, overwhelmed, cried out and the list goes on and on and on but does this mean that we should pity ourselves and give up? No, it just means that we need to pour our hearts out to God and ask him to take over. Sometimes we need to let go and let God. How many times...

Friday, January 8, 2010

Broken Butterfly...

I'm not sure if I've ever shared with you that I LOVE butterflies. I love butterflies because they're so care free, "bubbly", detailed, fragile/delicate, distinctive/unique (no two have the same pattern) and their process to becoming beautiful butterflies is LONG but worth it. Like a butterfly, each of us were created uniquely. Even identical twins are different. Our journeys are unique, our compositions are unique, our smiles are unique, our pain is unique, our tears are unique, our stories are unique, our dreams and aspirations are unique and our wishes and desires are unique. We are not carbon copies. You should ALWAYS accept and embrace who you are because you were uniquely, fearfully and wonderfully made just like butterflies. Did you...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Embarking Emerald

HAPPY BLESSED NEW YEAR to you and your loved ones. I hope this year has started off with positivity, blessings and resolutions that with positively enrich your lives. I'm so sorry for not posting in such a long time but honestly, there are so many things happening toooooo quickly. I will continue to pray and trust that my Father will give me direction because at times I feel like a swaying ship in the wind of life. I got home as quickly as I could this evening just to "play" with makeup and create a look. For me, lighter colors pop more in the daytime so I went for one of my favorite colors- GREEN which would show more in the night. Green symbolizes so many different things- peace, calmness, regeneration, nature, unfortunately...

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