Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tick, tick, giveaway...(CLOSED)

Hi beauties, Don't let the time run out without you entering the Shades Professional Makeup end of Summer makeup giveaway. Remember that the closing date is September 30, 2010 and there will be no extensions.Just re-create one of my looks and enter to wi...

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Hey beauties!!!Giveaways are something that I don't do alot of but here's another opportunity to win fabulous makeup!SHADES PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP is giving away a beautiful 78 color palette from NYX worth US$25 but you have a chance to add this gorgeous palette to your collection absolutely FREE!!Here's what you gotta do:1. You MUST be a follower on my blog AND a fan on my Facebook Page - Shades Professional Makeup (I will be checking) 2. All contestants MUST be 18 years or older (I will need your personal information to mail the pize).3. You MUST recreate any of my makeup looks listing what products were used and showing pictures of the makeup applied on yourself. DO NOT have your makeup done by anyone else.4. This giveaway is opened to everyone...

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