Sunday, October 24, 2010

London Photoshoot

For a girl from a little island (one which is non-existent to many people around the world) I must say that I have been BLESSED to be able to meet and work with so many beautiful people (incl. celebrities like Nigel Barker from America's Next Top Model), Alicia Keys etc. This time around, I was able to meet and work with Roberto Aguilar ( a photographer from Florida based in London. Roberto is SUPER talented and does photography for Tigi Hair Care, Bed Head ads etc. I either stumble upon these people, get connections or simply seek them out on Model Mayhem (http://www.modelmayhem/), a social network for models, actors, hairstylists, makeup artists etc. Below are a few pics from my photoshoot in London (September...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Rosey Melon

It's been a while since I've done a makeup blog post but I finally got my computer back. YAY!!! Here's a look that was done a while ago and I'm soooooooooo sorry but I can't remember what products were used. If I stumble upon them, I'll list them.Anyway, enjoy this look! ...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Makeup Giveaway- WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As promised, today is October 11, 2010 and it's the day to announce my makeup giveaway winner......... First of all, let me thank ALL of you who participated in the giveaway. It was great to see everyone's versions of my looks. I really enjoyed it. To all of you, you are still winners in my eyes!! Keep up the awesome work!! Ok, so without further delays.......................the winner of the makeup giveaway is....................................................DRUM ROLL....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................DEEA...

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