Monday, November 22, 2010

From the Roots I Came....

Hi beauties!! I just wanted to do a quick post on makeup that I did for a photoshoot yesterday with one of the island's well-known models. The theme was African, but more, rural, tribal Africa. I was definitely on board to do makeup for this shoot so I basically did a neutral look then "upped" it with random tribal markings. Cassi is truly unique and has a distinct look. View the pics for yourself!!...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Cayman Fashion Solstice 2010

Just about every country in the world has a fashion week except for us here in the Cayman Islands but Guavaberry Marketing (Cayman) Limited, gave us what we've been longing for; a fashion weekend. Once again, I had the fabulous opportunity to work with and network with some of the most gorgeous people in the business. Living on such a tiny island definitely has its pluses and being a makeup artist is definitely one of them (wink!) Cayman Fashioin Solstice ( is the Caribbean's premier fashion gala event! The vision for Cayman Fashion Solstice has culminated into a four-day fashion and lifestyle evnt, which combines private soirees, fun fetes, island tours and sailing excursions. The Solstice Fashion...

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