Monday, October 24, 2011

Curly Nikki's NY Meetup!!

Hey dolls: This past week, I was in NY on official business doing the usual 9-5 and I must say that it was a great business trip. Whilst in NY, I met up with the lovely Franchesca Ramsey of Chescalocs on Youtube who invited me to an exclusive natural hair event in celebration of Curly Nikki's website launch 3 years ago. This event was to meet CurlyNikki in New York as she teamed up with MIZANI. I graciously accepted the invite without hesitation and was so happy that Franchesca thought to extend the invitation to me. I met amazing women with all types of natural hair textures who were surely rocking their street styles. I also networked with other natural hair enthusiasts (Francheska Medina, Cipriana) makeup artists, photographers...

Monday, October 17, 2011

HAIR Stuff: Loc Braid Out

I know it's been a little while since I have posted anything here on my blog but I wanted to share a quick hair post with my loc braid out. HOW TO ACHIEVE THIS LOOK: Step 1- Wash/ wet hair Step 2- Braid or plait hair into desired size Step 3- Allow hair to dry completely (I wore my plaits for 2 days) Step 4- Undo braids and style as desired It's super easy so try it and let me know how it works out for you. Picture taken 1 week after braid ou...

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