Thursday, November 10, 2011

Engage!11 Cayman Islands

Hi beauties: As you all should know by now, I am from the Cayman Islands and I also reside on the largest of the three islands, Grand Cayman. The Cayman Islands are one of the Caribbean's hot spots for weddings and have been featured numerous times as a top destination for luxury weddings. With that being said, Engaging Concepts is presenting its 3rd annual, high-impact luxury wedding businesses summit at the Ritz Carlton in the Cayman Islands, engage!11:: cayman islands which is slated to take place November 14-17, 2011.  Presenters such as Randy Fenoli from TLC's Say Yes to the Dress, Jasmine Star- International Wedding Photographer, Wedding Cake Diva Sylvia Weinstock from BRAVO's "Top Chef: Just Desserts" and many more will be in the Cayman Islands for this event. Intimate...

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