Friday, November 30, 2012

MY STYLE: Blazing Leopard & Cayman Thanksgiving

Hi beauties: I started this post on Thursday morning at around 6:30am and as you can see, I am just getting around to finishing it off. I had to wake up early to start on my drunken BBQ chicken for the Cayman Thanksgiving pot luck that we had at work. You're probably wondering why I call it drunken BBQ chicken...hmm, well that's because I marinated the chicken in seasoned BBQ sauce with a healthy dose of Havana Club rum. It was actually one of the few days that I was looking forward to going to work because we were going to have a feast.....what can I say, I'm a tiny lady who loves her food. ;). I took lots of pics for you. Anyway, on to the outfit. I wore this outfit  about 3 weeks ago but never got around to posting...

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

MY STYLE: Skinny Red Leopard

Have you ever had those days or weeks where you just couldn't seem to find a minute for yourself? Well my week has been like that hence the absence of blog posts. I try to take pictures of my daily outfits but some days, I just can't find the time. Before I actually pieced this very simple outfit together, I knew what I was going to call it. Leopard print with anything red is so regal. Instead of wearing leopard, red or black shoes, I chose to give this outfit some ummph with my glitter slingback pumps. Red Skinnies are here (on sale), here (on sale) and even here Leopard Asymmetrical Top/ Dress- Local boutique Gold Glitter Slingback Pumps- Here or here ...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

MY STYLE: Colour-blocking Leopard

Ok, so maybe I'm getting a little too excited about this whole print mixing thing because today is the 3rd day in a row that I've mixed prints. When I bought this skirt, I had no idea what I was going to pair it with and I really didn't want anything that would be too matchy matchy so it sat in the closet for a while. I admire how Chesca of A La Mode Wearhouse mixes her prints so I asked her how she would pair this skirt and she suggested pairing it with a white shirt and leopard heels for a day time look. I was like huh, what, hmm, I'm not sure how that's gonna lok but figured I'd give it a go and this is pretty much how it turned out. Skirt- Local boutique Top- TopShop (here) Shoes- Similar here Necklace- Option...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

MY STYLE: Double Peplum & Stripes

I was so moved yesterday by successfully pulling off mixed prints that I decided to try it again today. Only difference with today's outfit is that I'm not really mixing prints but mixing colours.... I actually find it quite funny that since I've become so caught up with fashion blogging, I'm constantly visualising outfits long before I actually put them together and wear them. Strange that I never really used to do that before. Today's ensemble is a little different but again, I think I successfully killed this one......and your thoughts are? Oh and I'm not sure what's with the photo quality today..... Peplum Top- Top Shop (here) Striped Tee- Atmosphere UK PepHem Skirt- Dorothy Perkins (here) Pumps- Steve Madden ...

Monday, November 19, 2012

MY STYLE: Dots & Stripes- Mixing Prints

As of late, I've been noticing that many fashion bloggers are mixing their prints and I cannot say that I have been one to mix prints but today, I decided to try and I think I kinda pulled it off. As Folake of Style Pantry said in one of her blogposts about mixing prints, "be confident because by being confident, you have already won half the battle". There are many tips, tricks and rules about mixing prints but I'm not necessarily one to follow many rules so here is how I mixed my prints today. This combination of dots and stripes is a cliche but gimme a break, I'm starting small. What are your thoughts on this look? Top- Vintage but try here Skirt- here even here Heels- Jessica Simpson Eman Necklace- Similar here or here ...

Saturday, November 17, 2012

MY STYLE: Light & Breezy - Taupe & Turquoise

Hi beauties: Most people believe that when you live in the tropics (Caribbean), you are automatically promised 365 days of sunny, blue skies. Well, that's not the case. I woke up this morning, looked out one side of my bedroom window and there were threatening rain clouds, then looked out the other window and there was bright sunshine. That definitely didn't help me to decide what I was going to wear today. At any rate, I concocted a bright and breezy outfit. Top- Asos (here on sale) Skinnies- Here or here, even here Necklace- Here | Here Shoes- Here |I love these Clutch- Similar here ...

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