Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Eyes Have It (Eye Makeup Class)

From time to time I have ladies asking if I would teach them how to apply eye makeup for various different looks and thought that I should consider it and that's just what am doing.

SHADES PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP is introducing its very first eye makeup class on August 8, 2009 for only $185. This will include a 13 piece brush set, 1 large makeup palette and other makeup goodies.
Deadline for registration is July 20, 2009.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

15yr Old Beauty

When I received an email from this client's mother about doing makeup for a studio shoot, I had no idea who I'd be working with, what features, what wardrobe, what colors.....nothing, but as usual, I was willing to do the shoot. Only when the client arrived on island was I informed that she needed photos for her portfolio.
Anna (model) has been on model agencies' radar since age 13 but unfortunately she couldn't be signed because of her age. Now at 15 years old, she was recently "picked up" by 6 of the world's top modeling agencies at a recent scouting event in Chicago. Again, because of her age, these same very agencies were relunctant to signing her except one who was willing to take the risk. Naturally, Anna was excited but her parents.....hhhmmmm just a tad bit nervous.
When I met Anna and her mom, Anna stood 5 inches over me (5ft 9in) and her mom, about 2 inches below me. Nonetheless, I was ready to get to work.
Hailing from the countryside in Michigan, USA, I present 15 yr old beauty, Miss Anna Helvey!

Photographer: Richard Hamilton
Location: The Studio, Grand Cayman

Photographer: Paul Aiken
Location: The Studio, Cayman Islands

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Brilliant, Bright and Blue

As most days are in the Cayman Islands, today was extremely hot but beautiful. When this young lady emailed and ask if I'd be avaible to do her makeup for a photoshoot, I was eager and willing (as always). She wanted a sassy beach shoot. Whether it's an indoor or outdoor shoot, I always ask my clients if they have a particular concept in mind because the last thing I want to do is to give someone a makeup design that they totally dislike.

Rene (the model) knew that she didn't want just another beach shoot but one with color, rhythym and flair so that's just what I tried to do. She knew that she wanted wild exotic eyes and because I absolutely love to play with color and designs, I was naturally, excited and was ready will all cylinders firing.

Rene was a bit shy but eventually she started to work her sassy blue dress

A beautiful shot to end the day
Photographer: David Goddard (
Location: SMB, Cayman Islands

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