Friday, July 10, 2009

Atlanta International Fashion Week 2009

Ok I'm not sure where to start but I am completely over the moon because I have been chosen to take part in the 3rd annual Atlanta International Fashion Week 2009 (July 23-26, 2009), as a backstage makeup artist!!!!!!!! How exciting is that for a little island lady with a big dream? This will be my first event as such. It's something that I've always dreamed off and finally my hard work and efforts are paying off. YAY!!!!
Below is a snippet of the email I received from the AIFW Backstage coordinator:
We are elated that you have chosen to become a part of this extraordinary fashion event. As an integral part of AIFW, you will be immersed in a powerful, five day networking event being held at various Atlanta locations such as the luxurious Biltmore, Vogue, Palomar Hotel and more. We feel that your skills and background will be valuable assets to our Fashion Team. And are pleased to inform you that you have been selected, based on your talents, from the first round of cuts.


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